There are many credit card issuers that offer air mile cards. The credit card features, rewards and bonuses vary greatly from one issuer to the next. So, it is very important to compare air miles cards from different companies before you select one. Most airline cards offer you 1 point or mile for every dollar you spend. Some companies still have blackout dates for users of airline card points so, when you select your card, you will want to select an airline miles card that has no blackout dates.
Be discerning about the purchases you make with your airline miles card. Some of the purchases you make with your card may not have point value. Your card company, customer service group can give you the information you need to have to make the most rewarding airline miles card purchases. It is also true, that you will want to make large rather than small purchases. Your bigger, qualified purchases are going to pay you the most reward points.
Do not forget about the importance of the Airline card interest fees and annual percentage rate (APR). Once you have found a card you think you are interested in, upon checking more thoroughly the APR of the card, and the card interest fees; you may find that your rewards are not as great as you thought they would be, when the reward deals are weighed against the fees and APR. Rewards should be just that, rewards. So do not get tricked by the fine print and technical language.
Airline cards have been around for years and they are getting better and more popular with travelers. At this time, your airline card points are not limited strictly to airline travel. These card points can also be used for car rental, hotel and other travel expenses as well. Research your card thoroughly to find out what other travel related expenses may be paid for with your airline card points or miles. And, perhaps, most significant, to keep your travel expenses down; you should use your card often, to get maximum point accumulation and therefore maximum rewards.
All flyers and travelers should have airline miles cards. They can be extremely convenient and provide many travel discounts if the card does not have large, accompanying interest rates and other fees. If you do your research well, you can readily find an airline miles card that fits your needs without the card being too expensive to use. And do not forget to find out all the rewards connected to your airline card before you select it. It is plain to see, if you make a great airline miles card selection you will also be making a great lifelong investment.
Art Taylor has been a successful internet marketer for 10 years. He publishes articles about credit cards and other internet marketplace products and services. To gather more information or apply for credit cards visit his website at: Ecreditcardworld
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Air Miles Credit Card – A Great Way To Keep Flying
Posted by Botyok at 1:49 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 6, 2007
How Do I Get a Credit Card? Bad Credit? No Credit?
How do I get a Credit Card?
Getting a Credit Card is not as difficult as it seems. If you have recently graduated, or you are still in college, Credit Card companies see you as desirable and a good credit risk. In fact, you probably receive Credit Card offers in the mail quite often. Compare the terms and be sure to choose one with no annual fee and with the lowest possible interest rate.
How do I get a Credit Card with bad credit or no credit?
How do I get a Credit Card if I am not in college and I have bad credit or no credit? You can still get a Credit Card! Often the best way to get a Credit Card when you do not have an established credit history is to get a secured card. Orchard Bank is one of the major banks offering Secured Credit Cards. In most cases, you will have to send them money, usually about $200 - $250. They then issue you a Credit Card with that credit limit and often times up to double or more.
If I do get a Credit Card, what is the benefit? Why get a Credit Card if I have the money? The answer is to establish a good credit history. You can rent a car or hold a hotel room by using your Credit Card. You can make purchases without having to carry cash or having to write a check. If you pay the Credit Card bill off quickly, preferably in full every month. You will establish good credit and the unsecured Credit Card offers will start rolling in!
Posted by Botyok at 10:10 PM 0 comments