You have reached certain financial level, want to build credit score, feel unsafe bringing cash anywhere, or perhaps wish to you have at least one credit card in emergency case, regardless the reasons, you find out that there are many credit cards offered out there and you start to wonder which one is the best for you, the one that:
1. does not charge you high annual fee
2. does not make you fall into debt and more debt
3. makes the most use of it
For point #1, I am sorry for not be able to help you because obviously it is you who know how much the annual fee (and the interest) will affect your financial balance. Read the term carefully especially under "billing and payment" section, take your time to play a little with numbers, compare your income against your monthly expense plus the credit card payment if you make a purchase, see the balance and decide quickly: can I take the cost? If you think you can't, leave it. Look for another. If you feel a little worry, leave it. You always have a choice
For point #2, I am so sorry (again) because related to sentences above, basically it is only you who choose either you want to fall for debt or not. Of course it does not matter how strong your financial is, if you swipe your card more than it can take, you will suffer for a huge billing statement in the next month. Ever read Confession of Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella? That's what likely you're gonna be if you do not use that magic card wisely, and unlike the book, do not expect your friend will pay them for you.
Okay, now for point #3, what does it mean "makes the most use of it"? It is simply "take and give" term. As far as possible, find the card which will give you most in return, not just offer lower annual fee or lower interest but also has reward programs those you can take benefit of. Do not just swipe the card and pay the debt if you can earn more than just the flexibility.
There are a bunch of credit card offers in internet, just use your search engine to get a complete list of them along with their rewards program and fee.
Now, you have found credit cards those meet your budget and you have several names in your list, the next step will be take a look at the reward program and decide which one will suit you the best. There are several types of reward: cash back, gas rebate, air miles, and so on.
Some cards offer high cash back in percentage, free flying with certain airlines or free hotel stay. Sounds good? Absolutely and they are true, but don't rush. Take a closer look; how much I can earn? What I can earn? Are there conditions? Good things come with price and there's no such a free lunch. Gas rebate for example, can only redeem at affiliate gas stations and if even the nearest one is quite far, it will be wise to think about it again.
You should be more careful or the only thing you see will be the marketing trick.
Cash back reward cards are the most common and more affordable, need less point to earn reward but they have their dark side that you should be aware of, and although "swipe your card and win free stay in yadayadayada hotel" sounds amazing, the truth is not as beautiful as it seems. Avoid the trap and know them better here
Friday, August 31, 2007
Credit Card - Which One Serves Me the Best?
Posted by Botyok at 7:27 AM 0 comments
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